Taming Microsoft SharePoint

28. 6. 2021


Taming Microsoft SharePoint

Beginning of March, dubbed perceptions has teamed up with BossInfo to support three thematic networks of the Swiss Angency for Developent and Cooperation SDC in making the most of their Sharepoint platform. Each network has its own SharePoint environment to share documents, host events, and boost the members’ knowledge on the network’s core topics: Governance - Gender - Fragility, Conflict and Human Rights.

During the next three years we will create interactive webpages and userfriendly tools with the aim to boost members’ interaction on the web. Our design is guided by three reflections:

  • Only create what the user really needs. Don’t clutter the user experience with unnecessary functions and possibilities
  • Bring fun and color into the online office life. We dare to propose page designs that challenge the sober office culture
  • Show the people that make up the network. The pages live from human interactions on and offline and not from the documents and information

This philosophy is present on the Governance SharePoint platform, which we have been backstopping in the past. Now, we will bring more play and ease of use to the other two network platforms.