par Hynek Bures | Juin 16, 2014
International year of family farming Client Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC Product Animation Production Concept and Text SDC, Hynek BuresProduction Ehud Graf, Hynek BuresAnimations Ehud Graf, ADL, YaelMusic Lionel DentanThe videos were produced in 4...
par Hynek Bures | Juin 16, 2014
Videos structure discussions Client The Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO Product Animation Production Concept and story Barbara Hell (EDA), Nicole Müller (SECO), Cliff Hammer (SECO), Hynek BurešDrawings Chirstophe BadouxCamera and Edit Alex Favarger,...
par Hynek Bures | Jan 8, 2014
Presenting your strategy through a video Client Swiss Red Cross SRC Product Animation Production Concept and Story Babette Pfander, Hynek BuresAnimation Ehud Graf, Artfactory 2013 In 2013 the Swiss Red Cross SRC approved a new strategy for its international...
par Hynek Bures | Août 13, 2013
Let the beneficiaries present your project Client SDC, SECO Product Film Production Title Antriebskraft MikrokreditConcept & Storyline Barbara Hell, Paula Wey, Patrick Etienne, Hynek BurešCamera Enrico BartolucciVoice-over Fernando TiberiniProducer & Director...
par Hynek Bures | Oct 4, 2011
Papoutine Client DA-SAZ Product Music video Production Music Capitan Dubrovshnev and Colonel Popov | Video dubbed perceptions | With support from Aurélie, Maayan, and ‘can-do-all’ Nelly | 2008 If one -in one’s own madness- would walk in a straight...