Webpage to host your event material

28. 8. 2017


This week two thematic networks of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation are conducting their learning retreat for their colleagues. The event is present on the web with a dedicated event page: 2017.ddlgn.ch

The page structure is simple

  • A program page tells you what is up next and you can download the necessary work documents.
  • The topics page hosts all material in for each topic discussed during the event. This is also where short workshop summaries will be posted after the workshop. Thus the webpage becomes an interactive workshop report.
  • The experts tab lists all the panelists and speakers.
  • The photos page is crucial for such an event. Posting pictures from the workshop with participants working and laughing together facilitates the sentiment of togetherness, forges the ties between the group members, creates a moment to remember.
  • The homepage is ever changing: It is structured like a blog. Information relevant for the day will appear at the top of the page. The idea was to attract the participants to the webpage throughout the workshop. And when they do, they will find always something new to explore.
  • The Info tab is for information on the venue and the organizers.

Does the page need to look cool?

YES, OF COURSE!!! You want an event page that is inviting. First, it fits the moderation style of Nadia von Holzen. Second, if you want your participants to be creative during the workshop time, you need to provide them with an environment that is communicating just that! This includes a mobile friendly event page.

Many thanks to Zeilenwerk for the design and coding of the page! While dubbed perceptions is responsible for the concept and page structure.