Contact me
Hynek Bures
+41 77 405 14 18
Office: Kasernenstrasse 34, 3013 Bern, Switzerland
Studio: Bahnstrasse 44, 3008 Bern, Switzerland
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Get to know me
Alter your experience to augment your insights
Welcome to the world of dubbed perceptions! I am Kenny (or Hynek if you like - it all depends from which end you look at it). In my previous life I had a great job within the realm of international development and cooperation. Today I pursue my dream job: making stories that move.
How do they move? My stories are told through moving images - animation or film. But the stories move the audience as well. They make people understand or act by explaining complex realities. And sometimes my stories spill over the video frame and continue to engage your audience on your webpage or social media channels.
If you would like to use the power of video in your office, I support you and your organisation to acquire the skills it takes to communicate with simple smartPhone videos. This consulting activity I have coined institutional video literacy.
Get to know my team
How can I do all of this you ask? I am not alone. Over the years I have woven my collaborative web of free roaming artists who I tame, or with whom I became blood brothers and sisters. As Wittgenstein said: Within all great art there is a WILD animal: tamed. Depending on the job I accept I hire my dream team. Let me introduce you to some of the usual suspects:
Industrial Hippie (graphics) has been around for as long as I can think. His refreshing let’s not think, let’s do it attitude has charmed me. I can’t get enough of it! He hardly leaves his cave. Here he explores the hidden gems of the internet’s free spirit - yes those spots do still exist. When you dare and seek him out, his graphical creations will shine on you like crazy diamonds.
Admire the gentle flirtatious giraffe (music) for its ability to live its inner child! With its deep voice and dreamy eyes it seduced me to explore its world of sound at the shores of the Yamuna river. What has a giraffe to do in India you ask? - "What has this composition to do with what I was looking for?" I ask the giraffe every time we collaborate. And then I start to listen: "But it’s good, let’s work with it!" - Witness the power of pushbacks!
With its many heads and arms pulling in different direction the Centaur (production) roams the edges of chaos. From chaos it draws creativity and talent. But which are to be explored and which kept in slumber? Without this dadaist soul I would be bogged down by the reality of production. Without the centaur I would not find time to look beyond the tip of my nose.
Look up and behold the Dark Wizard (voice) riding the winds of the world’s alphabets. And so I flap my arms, ascent to his throne and with rolling eyes I speak: "Dark Wizard, grant this character your voice! Extravagant, different - it should sound!" He smiles, opens his mouth and his 7 tongues breath life into my written words.
Who can actually make these spirits pull in one direction? It’s me, Kenny (story, direction). Why me? Probably because I am a girl. Girls are pretty good at using their charm to their advantage. And I can be stubborn. But I love to play! In play I am present. In this creative state I explore story plots, I invent characters, I create worlds, I live.
Our clients
We love to work with fun creatures, fun clients, and fun people. Through them, our creations become meaningful. We find energy in our work through the creative process. Any attempt to streamline production onto the conveyor belt will kill creativity. Hopefully, if we outdid ourselves, you won’t get what you came for. But for this miracle to happen, you must surrender to the world of dubbed perceptions.
Don’t be afraid to enter this world. Many have come before you and are coming back. Giants from the fields of humanitarian aid. Scholars from the mountains of education. Wandering troubadours on their quest to find the perfect form for their message.
We are here to guide you through the dark forest of infinite words. We sharpen your ears for the voices inside you. We navigate together the vast lake of the true image. We search with you for the ever steady hum of the earth. We stand by your side when your story seems to slip away - as they do before they show their final form.
Our work
Now let me tell you about the world of dubbed perceptions. In this world a story or an image is not reproduced infinitely because it has worked in the past. We just don’t like to repeat ourselves. We want to go on, explore, create something new every time. How else do you expect me to contract free roaming artists whose creativity is flowing abandonly?
In this world stories spring up like quirky mushrooms. They are not perfectly smooth and glossy, because smooth and glossy surfaces don’t rub off. And they thrive from our creative deeds that we pursue when you are reading this text.
Now go and explore these pages. You will find gems and lessons learnt that will help you to decide if you would like to play with us.
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