May you have a fulilled year!
1. 1. 2023
Over the Christmas and new year break our family visits my father in law in the French countryside. Here I take a break from civilization. I barely take the car, I do a lot of walks in the forests nearby, and I read French comics from a vast library, my father in law has put together. It is here that I start thinking about my new year card. Unlike my digital products throughout the year, the card is analog, something to be held in your and my hands.
This year I literally woke up on the first of January, sat down with my notebook on my lap and started scribbling my first words of the year. My intention is not to write the perfect poem, but to come up with something fresh, where the words touch me because they reveal the child in me.
What if I were a tree?
What choice do I have in twenty twenty-three?
Do I stand here, witnessing another century?
Or do I spread my roots, up to the shores of the sea?
Celebrate the one and honor the other!
To have a choice is what sets me free.
Walking in the countryside I always have my camera with me. You never know! I walk through the world differently when holding a camera. I look twice, I stop to take in the sight, I explore. Trees are one of my favorite subjects. I might have taken a picture of this tree in the past, but this time it felt like the perfect subject for my card.
The final arrangement I always leave to my friend and long time collaborator Ehud Graf [here a short description], who is a master graphic designer. After all putting a text on such a hectic image is not easy. His idea to put the text around the image sparked an idea on my side: We arranged the text in such a way that when you read "Or do I spread my roots, up to the shores of the sea?" you are holding the card upside down, the branches become roots. - Another perfect example of our nourishing collaboration!
The image is black and white only on the screen. I chose a metallic paper which gives the final product a shiny dark purple touch.

If you would like to receive this new year card or a future card, please write me!